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Tow Law Masonic Hall Committee

Using funds from Tow Law Masonic Hall and together with grateful financial assistance from Province we have purchased a Defibrillator that is now fixed to the outside wall of the Lodge Building. The Defib is for use by us and anyone in need from the local vicinity. The De-Fib is also known as AED (automatic external defibrillator) PAD (public access defibrillator) just know its one and the same piece of kit. Many of you will recall an event during the Denmark Finland Euro 2020 football game where one of the top Danish players 29-year-old Christian Eriksen collapsed on the pitch due to a cardiac arrest. Thankfully there is a happy ending to the story but only due to the very fast actions of the Medics and availability of a nearby De-Fib this would have ended tragically.


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